
Saturday 2 February 2019

Spending Christmas at Samoa! (and staying there for 3 weeks!)

My trip to Samoa!
Photos taken by my sister
My 3 week trip to Samoa was amazing and long!, and when I say long I mean LONG.
It was literally a month. All was good, we left on the night of the 23rd of December
and we arrived around 3’o’clock in Samoa meaning it was probably 2 am in NZ
since Samoa is an hour ahead. I went with my older sister and my dad to Samoa
if you were wondering. Well, I can’t travel by myself!

When we arrived at Samoa, it was like being in another world.
The heat hit my whole body when I stepped out of the airplane when we arrived at
our destination. As I was walking, I had to take off my cardigan. That’s when I
found out that there was a lot of humidity in the air which is weird because
in NZ we don’t have a lot of humidity everyday. Skip forward onto the week.

On Christmas, after all of my cousin’s got given presents we went to the beach at
Savaia to go swim, which was quite far from my village but it was worth it.
All of the kids had fun, the water was beautifully clear and clean compared to our
oceans. But the beach near my village is really dirty but it’s still okay to swim in
it because we have a pool area. I didn’t expect Samoa to be polluted
but the place is still beautiful.

On this week was my cousin’s wedding!
That’s the real reason why we were there at Samoa.
Her wedding was on the 29th of December almost a week after we arrived.
My older sister was a bridesmaid and I was a flower girl even though I’m 11. On the day I
had to wear makeup which was new but in a good way. The whole day was tiring
because I had to wear high heels and I was sweating. My highlight of this day was
at the Reception when we had a family item which was really fun with everyone
dancing on the dance floor including the bride and groom.
Now I am going to talk to you about the struggles in Samoa.
Hopefully this paragraph doesn’t go on for long because I have a whole list.
The first reason is communicating, it was easy to talk to the younger children since my
Samoan skills are average, but when it comes to speaking with adults, OH they’re
talking in another language! They talk so fast that I have to reply with an answer
THREE minutes later because I have to calculate or ask my sister what they just
Reason two, the heat! It’s so hot that I would jump inside a car and go for a drive with
my cousin with the windows closed but the air conditioner on.
When it’s night time I’m not allowed to sleep with the fan on because that’s how I
get sick. Even when you’re getting changed you will eventually sweat.
Next reason!
Being teased by your cousins. Every morning we would go outside of the house and
pick up the rubbish except Sunday because that is the Aso malolo(Rest day).
Once(when we were picking up rubbish), my cousin’s were calling me a Teine palagi just
because I lived in New Zealand.
What most of my cousins didn’t know was that I was born in Samoa, they didn’t
believe me at all. That goes to show that Samoan families love to tease
and mock each other even when they’re sad because our jokes are so funny.
There is nothing other than those three struggles that made me pity myself all
the time. I might’ve made it sound like I exaggerated too much but
there’s no going back now but I love them so much, no words can explain
how much I love food. I’m just joking, I love my family to the core of my heart.
Enough of that smoochy stuff, for the next week we just stayed at my Mum's
house which is in the same village as my Dads house. They had an open
house at the front and a normal one behind.
What I loved about my Mum's house was that it was windy there.
A downfall in Samoa is that they have dogs but they look hungry and
they die of starvation. My country is blessed with beautiful dogs but they
choose to not to give them love and care. When we went to town in Apia we
saw pigeons but they aren’t
like the pigeons is NZ, instead they were so skinny, they looked so lazy
because they weren’t waddling with their head bobbing.
Oh, their life is a struggle! I pity the dogs and the pigeons.
I will also talk to you about the life of a pig.
Warning: Make sure you have your tissues ready.

The Piglets look so happy whenever I go past them but their futures are all the
same. Once they are old and fat that is when their owners lock
them up in a big cage. The family will feed the pig their leftovers and BAM!,
the pig gets even more thick. Eventually someone will have to end their life,
and people will devour the forgotten pig.
That is why I, Pisirina will always remember them.
Forever in our stomachs.

The last day was sad with everyone at the airport to send us off.
My sister and I were wearing matching dresses.
My dad and my other sister also wore Samoan clothes.
Some of my family members cried. It was an emotional mess. It was so boring
and long on the trip back home.
Although, they’re were some K-pop music so it was really
easy to fall asleep on the plane.

The trip was amazing and I am so lucky to reunite with my country and my family.
There were a few struggles but all that matters is that I put a smile on a lot of
peoples face. Christmas was the best because even though I didn’t get much,
what I got to see was a lot of smiles which really made my day.
I was glad that I filled their day with happiness.
I suggest that you go for a holiday in Samoa because I guarantee that you will gain more
knowledge, lose weight and become more tan.
Task Description
This blog post is about my trip at Samoa! I'm so sorry that I didn't post this earlier. So many things are going on this holiday. Unfortunately I didn't have time to do the Summer learning Journey but I will aim for posting during the winter break. I hope you enjoy my writing!

Photos below!

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