
Thursday 10 September 2020

The Friendly Islands - 2020

 1. Choose an element of the Tongan Culture from the slides. 

Answer - The Kingdom of Tonga.

- Come up with 3 facts you've learnt about that element.

Answer - Tonga was named the 'Friendly Islands' from Captain James Cook. Tonga has 176 islands. 6 of them are the main islands.

2. Why do you think it's important to learn about other cultures? 

Answer - We need to educate and learn more about a part of others identity. Also, some cultures are dying out, the language, culture and traditions are slowly being forgotten. We need to spread the culture as much as we can so every culture can thrive.

3. What are some things you could do to celebrate and share YOUR culture?

Answer - You could dress up as your cultures traditional attire. Appreciate it! Spread the word by using your media platforms!

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