I've crafted an image that includes iconic kiwi elements and my culture as well. The background is a beach from my home island, Samoa. I've used value and texture to add an appealing visual. Texture is adding another dimension to give the audience a perception of what the object feels like. Value is how light or dark a colour is. Value is hues and the saturation of each colour. To represent my environment, Aotearoa, I added a Pukeko. The Pukeko is a bird that you can see almost anywhere in New Zealand.
To add more kiwiana icons into my drawing, I included some Pohutukawa blossoms.
We are currently growing some Pohutukawa trees at our school.
I also added some Hibiscus Flowers. In Samoa, we call them Teuila.
These are my favourite flowers. I inserted them as a a frame in the corner.