
Thursday 14 March 2019

My special place

Do you have a special place in your heart? Well, I do and I go to this place every week day.
Can you guess what it is? If you guessed school, you are correct! Pt England School is an
amazing place for me and I will tell you why.

First reason is because of the diligent and precious teachers here at school.
They are so committed to the work that is given and have great chemistry with the students.
I know my teacher, Mrs Tele’a likes to communicate with us through her hilarious jokes. It
makes her and us smiling all day.

The events that happen at my school are very entertaining. We have lots of events not only for
the senior school but for everyone! We get visits from the bubblegum crew and the Duffy show
that everyone gets to watch. My favourite event so far, is Year Six Camp. We had a enthusiastic
time being a nice family and learning to cooperate with one another. I still can’t wait for more
events that are coming!

Learning! The learning here is unbelievable, from the little kids all the way up to the senior
children. We all try our best not only at the test but in class and outside of class. We even have
a new type of Maths called DMIC Maths, so we can all help everyone boost their own
confidence and skill at public talking and sharing their own ideas. That is why I like to do Maths
all the time.

Everyone is caring. Not only do the teachers care for the pupils,the students here at my school
like to take care of each other. We help each other by doing the little things like picking up
rubbish for the environment, teachers, and for our friends and family. Empathy is a big quality
that our Pt England students have, they put themselves last and everyone else first. We learnt
that helping one another is one of the most important things in life and I agree with that.

The final reason is the memories. The memories, the teachers and students created have been
in my heart. I am so grateful for this school because I got meet my friends and wonderful
teachers throughout these past years and it’s hard to believe I only have this year and next year
to make more memories in this school before I go off to College. So, I have to make the most
of this year and next year!

There you have it!, an explanation on why my School is a special place. Before you go and
continue your day, I want you think deeply about your school memories and cherish the time
you had with your friends, teachers and more. Remember to be grateful for your school!

Task Description
This is my writing for the writing test. We had to write a explanation about a special place. Here it is!

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