
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Naughts & Crosses - Reading 2020

Task Description
We read an extract from this novel called "Naughts & Crosses". I loved it so much. It educated me on various things even though there was a twist. I wrote a response to the text. I defenitely want to read more books like this. Check out the presentation above for more!


  1. Hi Pisirina,

    I am so glad you enjoyed the book! Like I told you earlier today, I still remember reading it when I was your age, it definitely made me stop and think about privilege and how we can take our own experiences for granted. It was also great for us to read a text that swaps perspective like this - some short stories do this too so it is good to be familiar with the style.

  2. I love the way you 'saw' inside the meaning of the text and how you could relate to the ideas being exposed. It is important to put yourself in other people's shoes and share their feelings. Why do you think the authors portrayed the ideas in these ways? How would you show an example of the key ideas? Great to see how much you have grown Pisirina in your critical thinking.
